Literature Searching…

I have an idea for a project for anyone doing Natalie’s SSC in May this year…Literature Searching guide! I’m in fourth year and trying to do my fourth year project and I have put all of my key words into the pubmed database, I have filtered it by full text but I still have 8000+ available articles; at least 20-30% will be irrelevant to my search.

I have no idea how to filter this down any further (any help – greatly appreciated!) but obviously I can’t read and analyse 8000+ articles in the next 1-3months – that would literally take all my time up…and there aren’t enough hours in the day!

This post may seem a little bit like a rant but here is a gap in the market that someone might be able to help fill for next year so next year’s poor fourth years (and beyond!) won’t have to struggle the same way I have too…



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